December 2, 2015 at 10:27 am #5613
Sister, Ana Maria CrequeKeymasterGood day, Class, I pray that this information is causing you to get a greater understanding and appreciation for how God created you. For our week 3 forum read the devotional below by Pastor Rick Renner and respond to the following questions dig deep and remember to respond to your classmates post.
Present Your Bodies a Living Sacrifice
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
— Romans 12:1
When Mary’s days of purification were finished after the miraculous birth of Jesus, Luke 2:22 tells us that Mary and Joseph brought their son to Jerusalem to dedicate Him to the Lord. It says, “And when the days of her purification according to the law of Moses were accomplished, they brought him to Jerusalem, to present him to the Lord.”
Mary and Joseph came to Jerusalem with the express purpose “to present” the young Jesus to God. To make such a journey to Jerusalem required finances to pay for the journey itself and to purchase the turtledoves and pigeons that would be offered to God at the time they presented Jesus. This was no casual, accidental, haphazard, unplanned event. Presenting Jesus to the Lord in the temple was a serious occasion, as it was for all males in Israel. Such an event was planned in advance and done with great reverence toward God. Thus, it was a very hallowed, consecrated, holy moment as Joseph and Mary approached the Temple at the time set for Jesus’ dedication.
Luke 2:22 says that Joseph and Mary came “…to present him to the Lord.” The word “present” comes from the Greek word paristimi, which is a compound of the words para and istimi. The prefix para means alongside, and the word istimi means to place. When these two words are compounded together, the new word means to place beside; to place at one’s disposal; to surrender; to offer, as to offer a sacrifice to God; or to present, as to present a special offering to God. This word undoubtedly communicates the fact that Mary and Joseph were coming to the Temple on this day to intentionally place their newborn son into God’s close care. They were dedicating and entrusting Him into God’s protection. They were surrendering Him to God’s supervision and making a pledge that this new baby boy was God’s possession and that God could therefore use Him however He wished.
This Greek word paristimi (“present”) is precisely the same word that Paul used in Romans 12:1, when he wrote, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” The fact that Paul used this same word sheds some very important light on Romans 12:1.
First, we know that Paul was very earnest when he wrote Romans 12:1 because he began by solemnly telling them, “I beseech you.…” The word “beseech” comes from the Greek word parakaleo. As noted in otherSparkling Gems, the word parakaleo is a Greek compound of the words paraand kaleo. The word para means alongside, and the word kaleo means to callor to beckon. When these two words are compounded together, the new word pictures one who comes alongside someone else, as close as he can get, and then begins to passionately call out, plead, beckon, beg, and beseech that other person to do something on his behalf.
In many places, the word parakaleo is used to depict a person who is earnestly praying. Therefore, the word parakaleo is also a word that can depict a person who is sincerely expressing his heart to God in prayer. In light of this fact, one Greek scholar says that it is almost as if the apostle Paul dropped to his knees in this verse and began to prayerfully plead for his Roman readers to hear his petition. His heartfelt request was that they would present their bodies a living sacrifice to God.
It must be noted that the word parakaleo also described what military commanders did before they sent their troops into battle. After summoning the troops together, their commander would beseech or exhort them as he warned them of the realities of warfare. The commander would describe in detail what they were going to face in their battle; then he’d urge them to keep on fighting bravely until the victory was won. All of this is included in the word parakaleo.
This is very significant in the context of Romans 12:1. Paul was urging believers to dedicate their bodies to God. However, Paul knew that when a believer makes the decision to dedicate his body to God, the carnal nature may respond by going to war against the spirit. The flesh just doesn’t want to submit to the law of God or to do what God wishes. So when Paul besought his readers to yield their bodies to God, he was also warning them that such an action might stir up a battle in the flesh.
The carnal nature has long been the driving force for what is done with the body; therefore, it will most likely rebel when it is told to submit to God’s control. This is why anyone who decides to present and dedicate his body to God must be ready and willing to fight the battle with the flesh until victory is achieved.
As mentioned earlier, Paul uses the Greek word paristimi when he says we are to “present” our bodies as a living sacrifice. This is exactly the same word used in Luke 2:22 to depict that moment when Jesus’ parents presented baby Jesus to God in the Temple at Jerusalem. Just as Jesus’ dedication was no casual, accidental, haphazard, unplanned event, now Paul is telling us that the presentation of our bodies to God is a serious occurrence in our lives. This is no light affair, but one that should be done in a very hallowed, consecrated, and serious manner. It is a crucial, historical moment in our lives when we intentionally place ourselves in God’s close care. We surrender ourselves and all that we are to God’s supervision, making a solemn pledge that we are His and that He can therefore use us in whatever way He wishes.
You may wrongly assume that because you are a believer, this act of surrender has already occurred. But just because you are a believer does not mean that you have completely surrendered your body to God. If becoming a believer automatically caused this act of surrender to take place, Paul wouldn’t have found it necessary to earnestly urge the Roman believers to do it.
Notice that we are to present ourselves as a “living sacrifice.” In the Old Testament, an animal sacrifice would be offered upon the altar. Because the animal was dead, it could only be presented to the Lord once as a sacrificial offering.
But in the New Testament, we are urged to present ourselves to God as aliving sacrifice. This implies that we must live in a continual state of surrender and consecration. Our commitment may begin with a momentous, “once-and-for-all” decision, but it must be followed with a daily decision to keep on surrendering ourselves to the Lord. Thus, we must see every day of our lives as another day — another opportunity — to yield our lives to God.
Each new day necessitates new surrender and consecration. What you surrendered to God yesterday is already old. Today is a new day and demands a new and higher level of consecration.
Therefore, as you awake each morning, train yourself to begin your day with a prayer of consecration in which you solemnly and in holy reverence present yourself and all that you are to God’s purposes. Don’t assume that because you did it yesterday, you don’t need to do it today. What you did yesterday remains in yesterday’s sphere. Each new day beckons you to take a step closer to the Lord and to make a commitment more serious than the one you made before.
Have you willfully, deliberately, and intentionally presented your body to God? Just as Jesus’ parents brought Him to the Temple to present Him to the Lord, God is asking you to reverently come into His Presence to offer yourself as a living sacrifice to be used for His purposes. If you haven’t ever taken this step of faith, are you ready to take it now? The carnal nature may declare war when you make the decision to surrender completely to the Lord, so be prepared to deal with the flesh. Just determine that you will not stop until the victory has been won!
Today is the day to surrender yourself into the hands of God. Don’t wait until tomorrow — and don’t depend on what you did yesterday. This is a new day, and God is calling you to surrender yourself anew. So don’t let ANYTHING hold you back from taking this step of faith right now!
What does it really mean to present your body to God according to (Romans 12:1)?
Would God say that you live your life like a “living sacrifice”?
February 29, 2016 at 4:52 pm #7828
Marita SmithParticipantAccording to Romans 12:1 to present your body to God really means that we are to present or dedicate our bodies as living sacrifice unto God holy and acceptable which is our reasonably service. As such, we are to live our life in a state of continual surrender and consecration every day. It also means that we are surrendering our selves, all that we are in God’s care and supervision making a solemn pledge that he is ours and we are his and he can use us for his purposes however he choose to.
Yes, God would say I am living my life like a living sacrifice because I have already presented my body as living sacrifice to him holy and solely. I must admit that it was not easy at first, it was a constant fight between my flesh and my spirit, because my flesh wanted to go back to the old ways and my spirit wanted to do the will of God; and a few times I give into my flesh and ended up with the same results. when I made the decision to keep my flesh under subjection and not give in any more and do it God’s way, it was a victory won for me. I developed a closer relationship with God by constantly renewing my mind with the word of God and being constant in prayer and letting the word take root in my heart; remembering who I am, a child of the living God. I see every day of my life as another day, another opportunity to yield my life unto God because each new day necessitates new surrender and a higher level of consecration.
February 29, 2016 at 11:22 pm #7832
Lilly ChalwellParticipantMarita, it is amazing how every time we choose to do God’s will, here comes the flesh, acting up as though it rules. Thank God that we have a choice, to obey our spirit (word of God) or to obey the Flesh (body). We choose to obey the spirit man, as we are children of God that is led by our spirit.
March 2, 2016 at 10:07 am #7879
RhondaParticipantMarita, like you when I first became a Christian I also had to continually renew my mind with the Word of God to keep my flesh under subjection. I can look back and say that God’s Word took root in my heart and I began to desire to do his works and will.
February 29, 2016 at 11:14 pm #7830
Lilly ChalwellParticipantGod wants me to live a righteous life, one that is pleasing in his sight. He wants me to be a channel of righteousness in which, He can manifest His glory through. Just like they use to offer up their best sacrifice in the Old Testament, likewise, the Lord wants the best of me. I’m to be holy and faithful, surrendering all to God.
I think the Lord would say that I’m trying my best to consecrate my life. I’m killing the desire of the flesh daily by spending time reading and practicing the word. My flesh doesn’t want to submit to the law of God or to do the things God wishes. However, I made a decision that I am going to be spirit led not flesh led, making my body line up with my spirit man.
March 3, 2016 at 5:08 pm #7951
Roxanne RhymerParticipantThat is just it Lily we have to make that decision to be spirit-led. Our spirit will always follow the will of God. We are to build our spirit man up with the spiritual things of God and the Word of God. I pray that all of us will grow strong in the Lord and the power of His might!
March 2, 2016 at 10:01 am #7877
RhondaParticipantPaul said in 1 Corinthians 5:7, “Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed.” That was the final sacrifice for sin, because it was perfect and sufficient for all who believe. Hebrews 10:12 says, “When Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, he sat down at the right hand of God.” So Jesus Christ brought to an end the Old Testament sacrifices for sin.
To present your body to God as in Romans 12: 1 means to offer yourself to God and do not conform to this world. I John 2:15-16 talks about the meaning of the word “world” to include: the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.
I believe that God would say that I am continuing in the process of living my life like a “living sacrifice” by allowing myself to be transform by his Word on daily basis to renew my mind.
March 2, 2016 at 10:48 pm #7894
Monica HarriganParticipantRhonda, I think it’s awesome that we no longer have to make animal sacrifices, but can no actually submit our bodies as s living sacrifice. That keeps us closer to God because we know yhat His spirit dwells within us and that encourages us to keep our bodies pure and undifiled.
March 2, 2016 at 10:41 pm #7889
Monica HarriganParticipantAccording to Romans 12:1, we are earnestly submitting our bodies to the will of God. We are no longer allowing our carnal spirit or flesh to rule our body. We must continually put our bodies under subjection daily. Naturally our bodies don’t want to submit; as it has been ruling our lives for so long. It is our reasonable service to submit our bodies unto God; according to Romans 12:1.
Yes, God would say that I am living my life like a living sacrifice. When I first accepted Christ my flesh was still ruler of my life. When I began attending Word of Faith International Christian Center and growing in the Word, I became more conscious of the struggle between my flesh and my spirit. As I matured spiritually I learned how to submit my body daily as a living sacrifice unto the Lord. When I wasn’t doing as I should, my spirit would condemn me. I grew tired of failing my God and strengthened my inner man. Thus, allowing me to live my life as a living sacrifice, pleasing and acceptable unto God.
March 3, 2016 at 5:03 pm #7945
Roxanne RhymerParticipantYes Monica it is only the word of God that can help us in conquering our flesh. Our spirit will always flow according to the will of God but our flesh will put up a fight.
March 2, 2016 at 11:04 pm #7896
Stacy GregoireParticipantTo present your body as a living sacrifice according to Romans 12:1 is offer yourself as a vessel for God’s use to do with as He will. The vessel, your body, has to be fit for use. In other words, it has to be holy and acceptable. We make our bodies that way by renewing our minds daily and bringing our flesh under subjection. We were bought with the highest price, the blood of Jesus, out of slavery. We live spiritually and physically because of Him. It is reasonable that we serve God but He wants us to make a deliberate, conscious decision to consecrate ourselves to Him and do it daily.
I think that God would say that while I’ve made a decision to present myself as a living sacrifice, I’m not always successful on a daily basis in bringing my flesh under subjection. I will become more of a living sacrifice as I continue to renew my mind and be transformed by the Word of God.
March 3, 2016 at 10:32 am #7932
Marita SmithParticipantStacy you are right we are to present our bodies as a living sacrifice and offer our selves as vessels of honor sanctified and useful for the master and be prepared for every good work, whatever he wants us to do. We were bought with a price the precious blood of Jesus that redeemed us from under the curse of the law.
March 3, 2016 at 5:06 pm #7947
Roxanne RhymerParticipantStacy isn’t it good to know that we serve a merciful God. Even when we miss it by walking in our flesh He still loves us to Life! That alone is encouragement for me to keep going when I miss it. We are to take the word of God and use it to strengthen ourselves day to day.
March 2, 2016 at 11:12 pm #7904
Stacy GregoireParticipantMonica, you are so right that we have been ruled by our flesh for so long that it becomes a struggle between the flesh and the Spirit. As we feed our Spirit man it grows stronger and we able to over power our carnal nature.
March 3, 2016 at 5:00 pm #7943
Roxanne RhymerParticipantRoman 12:1 states, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.” We are to present our bodies each day as a living sacrifice to our Lord. We no longer need doves or pigeons to offer to Him we can offer Him our very lives. This is our reasonable service unto God. We are also to keep ourselves holy so that we can offer the best sacrifice to Him that we can.
I think The Lord will say that I have chosen to live my life as a living sacrifice. He will say that I am making daily changes to present my best to Him. I am also finding out that it is a fight that I have to set my self to everyday. I must but my body into subjection as I choose to run towards God. I am not going to give in though; as my mind is already fixed!
March 3, 2016 at 6:07 pm #7962
Donna RileyParticipantYou are right Roxanne, it is a struggle, but when you get into God’s presence in your quite time and you feel Him smiling and He says well done, it makes it all seem worth while.
March 3, 2016 at 6:04 pm #7960
Donna RileyParticipantAccording to Roman 12:1 the apostle Paul meant that we should present not only our bodies to God, but also our minds and heart or spirit. Father God wants the whole entire package. He wants all of us. Paul is not so much stressing here how our body looks, but actually what behavior or acts we perform with our bodies. God wants our bodies because He wants others to see Him through us. He wants us to be a model of Him to the world. God wants us to show acts of kindness or mercy. He wants living proof or evidence that He is a kind merciful God and we can tell the world who He is through our physical actions visible for all to see. This is also a form of worship presenting our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God. Our bodies become holy and acceptable not because of the outward appearance, but because of what we do with it, our physical actions.
Yes, God would say I live my life like a living sacrifice because I have surrendered myself to him totally and completely. This is a continual daily process. My body, soul and spirit are His to do as He pleases. It was difficult especially in my second marriage to be a wife that had to submit to a husband especially when I was independent for so many years, but I knew this would please God. It was a struggle for many years, but I learned through my relationship with God how to think, what to expect and how to behave. When you truly understand what God meant, not necessarily how it is explained by men, but what God’s interpretation of dedicating yourself means, it then becomes a lot easier to live life through a renewed mind. Presenting your entire body soul and spirit becomes an honor and the best part I get to please God.
March 10, 2016 at 5:33 pm #8149
Sister, Ana Maria CrequeKeymasterAccording to Romans 12:1 We must daily decide to keep on surrending ourselves to the Lord. We must see each day as a opportunity to yeild our lives to God make it holy, make it accepted unto God, make it full of light, make it a living sacrifice, make it fit temple of the Holy Spirit, keep it in control, Glorify God in it 1Cor.6:20 and all that you are to God’s purpose.
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