Home Forums Layperson’s I – Section 4 – Ministry Gifts Forum Ministry Gifts – Week 2 Forum – January 14, 2016 – Video: What is your Purpose? by Creflo Dollar

Ministry Gifts – Week 2 Forum – January 14, 2016 – Video: What is your Purpose? by Creflo Dollar

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    • #5117

      What is your Purpose?

      Well students, this is another week to dig deeper and find out your place in God. Have you wondered, What is my Purpose?” After viewing this video spend some additional time in prayer and some quiet time just sitting in Gods presence.   You will be amazed at the things the Holy Spirit will reveal to you when you are waiting in Gods presence.  Answers the following questions and remember to respond to a classmates post.  Blessings

      How did this video inspire you regarding your purpose?

      Pastor Dollar made this statement in his video, “The enemy tries to get you out of your call.  He tries to prevent you from getting to the place of divine appointment,”  did this statement have any impact on your life?  If so share.

      Choose one of the scriptures below and really do a study on it and then share as it relates to your purpose.

       Jeremiah 1:5, Isaiah 49: 1, 5, Proverbs 14:12





    • #7072


      In the video entitled, “What is Your Purpose” by Pastor Creflo Dollar he stated, “The enemy tries to get you out of your call. He tries to prevent you from getting to the place of divine appointment.” This statement impacted my life because it serves as a reminder that the enemy knows that when I identify and walk in my divine purpose and calling he won’t be able to hinder or stop me. The enemy’s plan is to try to get me to give up and quit. But as Pastor Dollar stated, I can rise above my trouble and trouble my trouble! The joy of the Lord is my strength and I don’t have to give in to the enemy. The key is constantly renew my mind with the word of God on a daily basis.

      The scripture I choose to mediate on was Jeremiah 1:5. “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” (KJV) As I mediated and studied Jeremiah 1:5, God revealed to me that He has also appointed me to become like Jesus as I follow in His steps; “For whom He foreknew He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the first-born among many brethren.” (Romans 8:29 KJV). It is reassuring to know that God knew me and choose me before the foundations of the Earth. I was born for such a time as this and God has already laid out a purpose and path for my life and it is not up to me to choose my destiny but I have a responsibility to discover it. God has called me, sanctified me, and equipped me to go! I am glad to know that I am always on God’s mind and I can trust his purpose and path for me.

      • #7112

        Rhonda, thanks for opening the forum this week. I love this point you made, “…..the enemy knows that when I identify and walk in my divine purpose and calling he won’t be able to hinder or stop me.” That is the enemies job to TRY to stop you. Remember Jesus, the devil tempted Jesus (Luke 4), and the Jews even tried to throw Jesus off a cliff (Luke 4:28-30) none of these attempts because Jesus walked is purpose and when you are in your divine purpose the enemy can not stop you.

      • #7143

        Marita Smith

        Rhonda I have to agree with you that you were born for such a time as this. Like Crefflo Dollar said in the video you were not born in 1875 or 1899. you were born when you did because it was God’s perfect timing so you can accomplish the plan and the purpose he has for your life in this time. I believe he chose you for this time to be that standard he would use to rise up against the evil one, he has equip you with everything you need to come against the devil and his cohorts; You have his word, the blood, the authority and he give you the whole armor that you need to come against the wiles of the wicked one.

    • #7123

      Lilly Chalwell

      The video stated, “The enemy tries to get you out of your call. He tries to prevent you from getting to the place of divine appointment,” this statement fully describe the character of the devil. It is his purpose and assignment to hinder us from fulfilling the plan of God for our Life. He doesn’t want us to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. However, I was impacted in the since that, the devil can’t stop God divine appointment for my life, when I continue to be transformed by the renewing of my mind with the Word of God. Molding myself to the image of God opposing the image of the devil.

      I have chosen Jeremiah 1:5. Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. While studying and mediating on this scripture, what came to mind is that, I am Unique. I have been individually crafted from birth. Even though I share many things in common with other people, I’m essentially one of a kind. Even before I came out of my mother’s womb I was sanctified set apart for God purpose. God has a divine calling on my life. This is why the calling of God on my life can’t be imitate by no one. I was formed in the belly the way that is fit for God purpose.

      • #7127

        Donna Riley

        You are so right Lilly. There is no weapon formed against you that will prosper. There is only one you and your purpose is unique and extremely important. You were made for a time like this. Pastor Dollar said “God put in you something that would allow you to have staying power in the midst of the turmoil.” I believe that for you. You will fulfill your divine calling beyond a shadow of a doubt.

      • #7134

        That’s right Lilly you are not like anyone else. God created you with a unique purpose and plan that only you can do.

      • #7146

        Monica Harrigan

        Lilly, I’m in agreement with you regarding your comment about our uniqueness. God created us all uniquely, there is no other like you or myself. Along with our uniqueness comes our purpose uniquely created by God for us. I can’t fulfill your purpose nor you mine.

    • #7124

      Stacy Gregoire

      This video inspired me regarding my purpose because Pastor Dollar showed me that when you are walking in your purpose, you become invincible. You can take on anything and know that you will win because you are right where God wants you to be. One of the reasons I signed up for the Laypersons class is to learn how to find Out God’s purpose and this video has inspired me to dig even deeper. Pastor Dollar said that when you know your purpose, it is easier for you to make changes in your life. You can say this doesn’t fit my purpose so I’m leaving it alone, that is going to distract me from my purpose so I’m not going to do it and so on. There is a freedom in this.

      “The enemy tries to get you out of your call. He tries to prevent you from getting to the place of divine appointment.” This statement by Pastor Dollar did have an impact on my life because it made me reflect on my life and the many times and ways that I allowed the enemy to distract me in the past. I see the time that I wasted, the attempts to take my life and I now see what the devil’s plan was. With this in mind, going forward,I will see the traps and devices for what they are and won’t fall prey to them. I also have joy when I look back because I see God’s hand on my life, keeping me, bringing me to this time and going forward.

      The scripture that I chose is Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
      My study of this scripture revealed a couple of things. First, one commentary defined sanctified as dedicated to holy uses. God is holy and the work that He created me to do, my purpose is holy and should be treated as such. Another commentary said that among Hebrews, words of knowledge (knew) note affection. I know that God loves me but that word affection makes me think friendship with God which is awesome.

      • #7130


        Stacy, I love what you said, I f something doesn’t fit your purpose you are leaving it alone. So many times we try to do things that we were not called for. It is essential to know God’s plans and purpose for our lives.

      • #7132

        Stacy, knowing your purpose helps you to eliminate things, people, etc. from your life. If it does not fit in God’s plan for your life it has to go.

    • #7125

      Monica Harrigan

      The video has heightened my love and affection towards God. He loved me before I was formed in my mother’s womb and placed a call on my life. How can I not walk in the will that God has on my life?!?! I was born to fulfill the purpose in my life and the video has fired me up to do so, now more than ever. To not fulfill my purpose would be a dishonor towards God and the will that He has for my life. I can not only bring harm to myself, but to my family, friends and the Church by not fulfilling my purpose. My purpose is bigger than just me. The video brought to my realization the importance and magnitude of the call on my life.

      Yes, the statement; “The enemy tries to get you out of your call. He tries to prevent you from getting to the place of divine appointment “, had an impact on my life. It reminded me that the enemy’s job is to kill, steal and destroy. The enemy can and will attempt to place fear in my heart concerning my purpose if I allow him. He’s roaming, seeking whom he may devour. He’s a dream snatcher and a dream killer and seeks to leave me in doubt pertaining to my purpose. But NO!!!!! I know my God and the plans He’s had for me!!! According to Jeremiah 1:5; “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee, and before though camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.” I declare war on the enemy as it pertains to the call on my life. He has no authority in my life and I cancel all assignments against me!!!

      I chose Jeremiah 1:5 as the scripture to meditate on. While studying and meditating on this scripture God revealed how dear and near to His heart his affections are for me. He KNEW me before I was formed in my mother’s womb!!! How awesome is that?? No other love can compare to His. I was uniquely created for His purpose with a purpose. He placed a call on my life BEFORE I was born!!! He knows me intimately and purposefully. I am special to Him.

      • #7129

        Lilly Chalwell

        Monica, I agree that by following the Word of God keeps us in God’s perfect will for our life, by continually renewing our mind with the word of God and prayer. As God has a purpose and a call for everyone of use, in order for the devil not to hinder us we are to seek the face of God concerning our call renewing our mind daily that we will prove what is the perfect will of God.

      • #7133

        Monica, it is true you are special to God. He loves us so much but we have to get a revelation His love. His love is unconditional, unending, unfailing, that is our God.

    • #7126

      Donna Riley

      According the Pastor Creflo Dollar, in his video “What is Your Purpose” all believers have the same purpose, to be molded in the image of the Son of God. This is done by the renewing of the mind with the word of God. This is also how we will come into the unity of the faith, when we all think the same way that Christ thinks. Our difference comes in after we renew our mind with the word of God, we will then be able to locate the appointed, consecrated place God has for each one of our lives. This video inspired me because it reminded me that all the difficult trials and tribulations I have gone through and are still going through were redesigned by God to shape me and mold me. Satan’s plan was for the trials to destroy me, get me out of my call, and prevent me from getting to my place of divine appointment. However, Pastor Dollar stated that “Trials are a clue that promotion is here.” I should welcome the trial so I can get promoted to the next level. God redesigned the outcome of Satan’s plan of destruction for my life to one of promotion instead. Pastor Dollar said “Never stop dreaming, with regrets comes a loss of dreams. Do not loose the image of the dream.” This is truly inspiring, comforting and greatly encouraging. It makes me want to continue on to the very end.

      Because of the many pitfalls I have experienced in my life I chose the scripture Proverbs 14:12. Appearances can be quite deceiving and at times the way seems so crystal clear that there is no way you can be wrong. A decision is made and in a blink of an eye you are up to your ears in trouble and can’t understand where you went wrong, it was all so crystal clear. Proverb 14:12 says “There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.” Pastor Dollar says “The only way to arrive in your place is to follow the Bible instruction. If not the Bible then it will be a way that seems right onto a man but leads to destruction. It is Satan’s purpose to stop me.” All through the Bible there are accurate instructions on how to operate with high moral standards in every area of your life. There are also many instructions on how to avoid potential danger. Always consult with God to get His divine perspective on everything. Never take anything for granted!

      • #7131


        Donna I am so glad that what the enemy meant for evil God is turning it around for our good! The enemy knows he is a defeated foe and his time is limited so he will try to do anything to get us off the plans and purpose God has for our lives. Like you said, we have to keep renewing our minds in the word.

      • #7135

        Donna, I love how you used the word redesigned. No matter what the enemy has thrown at us to get us off course. God can turn it around and use it for His glory. When you keep your faith and confidence in God everything turns out for your good. James same to count it all joy when you fall into divers temptations (testings, proving, trials) knowing this that the trying of your faith worketh patience. The word patience in the NT describes the characteristic of a man who is not swerved from his deliberate purpose and his loyalty to faith and God by even the greatest trials and sufferings.

    • #7128

      Donna Riley

      Monica God said there is never a time He doesn’t have us on His mind. This is awesome news.
      We are never alone and was always loved even before we were given life here on earth. He is truly worthy of our praise.

    • #7142

      Marita Smith

      The video has inspired my life regarding my purpose because without knowing my purpose I remain the same. Knowing my purpose brings change so I can become that person that God created me to be that I can accomplish the goal and the design that he has for my life. The word of God says that we can’t be ignorant of Satan’s devices, he would do whatever it takes to keep me from fulfilling the plan and the purpose that God has for my life by bringing sickness and diseases, lack, bring people up against me on my job, in my family, or even using my church family just to get me to quit to give up and give in. He knows if I’m walking in the my purpose he doesn’t stand a chance because as God is so am I.

      The statement The enemy tries to get you out of your call. He tries to prevent you from getting to that place of Divine Appointment has impacted my life because there have been times in my life that I have allowed the devil to distract me from getting to my place of Divine Appointment. Now that I have come to the realization of what his plans are to steal, kill, and destroy I’m not going to allow him to have any place in my life any more. I have the authority over him now that I am born again; I can resist him and he has to flee from me, so I can get to my place of Divine Appointment.

      I chose Isaiah 49 1,5 because God not only called me from the womb but from my mother’s bowels (that’s deep) he made mention of my name that tells me he knew me by my name even before I was born that is awesome and I feel real special. He already knew I was going to be a servant of his; its no accident that I am serving in my church, that tells me that serving is part of my divine calling and he is my strength that I won’t get tired or weary,GLORY TO GOD!! the part I like best of this scripture is that he said I’m glorious in his eyes that tells me loves me and he is well pleased with me.

      • #7144

        Monica Harrigan

        Sis Marita, isn’t it awesome that we are now doing our best to walk in our ability and keep the devil in his rightful place which is under our feet? He wants to keep us from the purpose of our life that God has pkanned for us. He uses distractions in various forms with the hopes of getting us to give up on ourselves abd not wakk in the will of God for our lives,

    • #7145

      Stacy Gregoire


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