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Benefits of the Cross – Forum – Week 4

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    • #3630



      Good morning, Students:

      This is the final forum question for Benefits of the Cross:

      What is righteousness and why does Christ righteousness need to be imputed to us?

    • #3641


      Righteousness is knowing who I am in Christ Jesus and being free to live a life without condemnation because of the free gift of salvation. I receive righteousness by faith. Christ’s righteousness needs to be imputed in us because when Jesus died for us at Calvary he took our sins and we took on His righteousness. Thus, we must meditate on the Word of God to be righteous minded.

      • #3644

        Donna Riley

        I agree with you Rhonda and meditating on the word of God has become so enjoyable. Seems all my life there has always been something to worry about especially with children in the picture. Now, I find that even in the middle of turmoil, a word would pop in my mind and my spirit would be so relaxed. It is just so amazing. Once you find the solution to the problem in the word and meditate on it, the situation no longer becomes overwhelming.

    • #3645

      Donna Riley

      Righteousness is my right to come into the presence of God free from guilt, condemnation, inferiority or unworthiness. Jesus is the only door way into the kingdom of God. For us to get in, we must be free from sin or any kind of condemnation. This was an impossible task for us. The only way for us to be able to come into God’s presence is to become righteous. The only way for us to become righteous was for Jesus to take our place thereby taking our sin nature as His own and giving us His righteousness. Because Jesus agreed to make this transfer we have been elevated back up to the position Adam had with God before the fall.

    • #3650

      Stacy Gregoire

      Righteousness is the ability to stand in God’s presence free from the feelings of guilt, condemnation, inferiority or unworthiness. You are in right standing with God and have come into relationship with Him.  Righteousness had to be imputed to us because we cannot accomplish this ourselves as sinful beings.  Adam’s sin nature was imputed or transferred to us because he was the father of all mankind.  We can’t go back in the natural realm and undo this but we can go forward in the spiritual realm and be born again and receive the ability to come into His presence in the way that He intended us to. He wants us with Him.

      • #3661

        Monica Harrigan

        Stacy, I totally agree with. What an awesome gift we’ve been given….righteousness! God wants us with Him, I agree with you there also. After choosing Jesus as the leader of our lives His righteousness was imputed on us. Once I take anything to His throne I leave it there. No walking around with my head to the ground in shame or guilt. He bore all of that on the cross.

    • #3654

      Marita Smith

      Righteousness is the ability for me to come in God’s presence free from the burden of sin, shame, unworthiness, guilt, and inferiority. This is evidence of who we are in Christ. Romans5:8-9He (Jesus) became sin for us, he who knew no sin, that we can have right standing with God and have fellowship with him, in order that we can become sons and daughters of God  that’s why righteousness had to be inputed in us.

      • #3665


        Marita it is so good to know that we can come in God’s presence free from the burden of sin and shame. That’s why it’s so important for believers to know who we are in Christ Jesus.

    • #3655

      Roxanne Rhymer

      In Layperson’s 1 – Benefits of the Cross I learned that Righteousness is defined as the ability to stand in God’s presence free from the feelings of guilt, condemnation, inferiority, or unworthiness.  It is a revelation of who you are in Christ.   This is good news to m!  Righteousness to me is a blessing.  I no longer have to be cowering in fear when I go to God.   I can stand boldly before His throne because I am in right standing with Him.

      Righteousness had to be imputed to us because we were all born with Adam’s original sin.   Jesus had to exchange His righteousness for our sin.   The Great Exchange had to occur so that we can be fully clothed in His righteousness.  So far be it from us to ever again shrink in fear, condemnation, guilt or unworthiness!   We have to know who we are and that we are in right standing with Him.  He has given us grace and favor so we must walk in our authority.

      • #3656

        Roxanne Rhymer

        Yes Marita! Its the fellowship part that sticks out for me!  So many times in the past I have felt so far from God knowing fully well that I was His Child, but the unworthiness had me bound.  No more!  I am a Daughter of the Most High God! I am walking in my authority.

      • #3663

        Lilly Chalwell

        The Great Exchange sum it all up, he took our sin consciousness and give us his righteousness.  He who new no sin became sin for us.

    • #3657

      Marita Smith

      Roxanne you don’t have to feel guilty or unworthy the price was paid for you through the shed blood of Jesus. Yes, you are his daughter and an heir, now you have the God given right to go before him confidently expecting to receive whatever you ask in his name, Glory to God. You go girl!! walk in your authority that’s your birth right inheritance as a child of God.

    • #3660

      Monica Harrigan

      Righteousness is freedom from condemnation, sin, unworthiness and guilt. Standing in my righteousness I can go boldly before the throne free from shame. It is the grace of God giving to me for choosing Him as the leader of my life.

      Righteousness must be imputed into us because we were born with a nature prone to sin. This sin nature was passed on to us from Adam.

      I thank God for His righteousness so that I can live free from shame and guilt. I’m also thankful for the ability to approach His throne boldly.

      • #3664

        Lilly Chalwell

        There is a boldness knowing that we are in right standing with God, we can go boldly to the throne of grace and obtain mercy and find help in the time of need.

    • #3662

      Lilly Chalwell

      Righteousness is the ability to stand in God’s presence free from the feelings of guilt, condemnation, inferiority, or unworthiness.  A revelation of who you are in Christ.  Righteousness had to be impute for us, because we all were born into the world by the gateway of sin.  With out righteousness been impute, we would have been in our sin sick state and separated from God.  Thank God that Jesus became sin for us.

    • #3666

      Stacy Gregoire

      Lilly and Roxanne, I agree that the ability to approach the Throne boldly is an awesome benefit of ths Great Exchange that took place on the Cross. We now have a relationship with the Father.

    • #3667

      Great Job, everyone!!! We have reached the end of the semester it has been such a pleasure to be with you. Remember to study up for Thursday.  The first hour will be review and the last hour will be your test.  If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.  Blessings

      • #3707

        Diamond Carter

        Stacey, i could not have said it better!. thank God for the cross

    • #3706

      Diamond Carter

      Righteousness is defined as the ability to stand in God’s presence free from the feelings of guilt, condemnation, inferiority, or unworthiness.  It is a revelation of who we are in Christ.   Webster’s Dictionary defines Righteousness: morally good: following religious or moral laws: caused by something that you believe is not morally right or fair: acting in accord with divine or moral law: free from guilt or sin. Christ’s righteousness had to be imputed or put upon us after He died on the cross so we could once again be reconciled back to The Father. Jesus took our sin and in return gave us His right standing with The Father.

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